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Contact Us

Main Office

Strathmore Building
501 Westwood Plaza, Suite 105
Phone: (310) 825-7627
Fax: (310) 206-2545

Center for Health Sciences Office

52-025 Center for Health Sciences Bldg.
Phone: (310) 206-2427
Fax: (310) 206-3331


8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, by appointment



Our office continues to operate in a hybrid fashion with appointments available over zoom and phone, and in-person meetings on a limited basis. To schedule an appointment, please email or call (310) 825-7627, and include your name, phone number, and availability to receive a call back for the intake. Thank you.


Have some feedback for our office? Please feel free to send a confidential email to us at We appreciate your thoughts!

Disclaimer: Please Remember

By only telling a staff member of the Office of Ombuds Services about your situation, you have not formally notified any University official of your conflict, dispute or complaint. In order for the University to take action to remedy your conflict, dispute or complaint, you must share it with someone who represents the University. The staff members in the Office of Ombuds Services do not represent the University and therefore cannot receive formal complaints.

Meeting with an ombudsperson does not affect your ability to pursue formal complaints. An ombudsperson can help you find the appropriate person to speak to in order to request that the University take some action, if that is what you want. Important rights may be affected by the actual date when formal action is initiated and/or when UCLA is informed of allegedly wrongful behavior, and in some situations, you may wish to consult with an attorney regarding your rights.

The Office of Ombuds Services will resist being called to testify as a witness in any formal or legal proceedings to reveal confidential communications. The office also does not maintain any permanent records of individual matters.